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Selectmen Meeting Minutes 06-02-08
The Board of Selectman held a regular meeting on Monday June 2, 2008 at 7:30 in the meeting room at the C.H. Booth Library located on Main Street, Newtown, CT. 06470.
First Selectman Joseph Borst called the meeting to order at 7:30p.m.

PRESENT:  First Selectman Borst, Selectman Rosenthal, Selectman Mangiafico

ALSO PRESENT: Finance Director Bob Tait, 14 members of the public, 1 member of the press.

Ruby Johnson of 16 Chestnut Hill Road Sandy Hook addressed the Board regarding a few issues; Mr. Doug Brennan’s questions posed on the evening of Monday May 5, 2008, if there have been responses formed to those questions.  Ms. Johnson also questioned the Board regarding the baseball lights at Fairfield Hills and why the Fairfield Hills Authority did not pay for them, in the minutes of the last Legislative Council meeting minutes a $300,000 bond issue to approve two fields (instead of one) Ms. Johnson asked how Robinson & Cole were so misinformed.  She went on to question the work being done at Fairfield Hills by the Highway Department if the cost would be charged to the Fairfield Hills Authority and if so would those funds be transferred back to the Highway Department.  Ms. Johnson addressed the Park & Recreation employees spending time working on trails seems to be time spent away from other jobs that need to get done.  
Ms. Johnson addressed the discussion of Nano Technology in Newtown, stating that it is a relatively new idea as of 1985 and UCONN has recently decided to fund the research for it.  Ms. Johnson stated that it is an area of great potential.

First Selectman Borst responded stating that the Bond issue for the two fields was a mistake, Robinson & Cole had used an outdated CIP copy and it should read, one field.  In reference to Nano Technology, he has spoken to Community Development Director, Liz Stocker who is to get in touch with Peter Longo.  
Selectman Rosenthal added that the lights at Fairfield Hills were requested by the Park And  Recreation Commission and not the Fairfield Hills Authority, the lights have been in the Capital Improvement Plan for several years.  

LeReine Frampton of 6 Pebble Road Newtown, stated that with the costs of everything rising she requested of the Board to please complete the projects as quickly and time efficiently as possible so as to avoid any additional costs to the town.

Mr. Peter D’Amico of 20 Silver City Road Newtown and representing the Newtown Youth Academy addressed the plans for parking at Fairfield Hills for 241 spaces and a slated grand opening date of November 1, 2008.  Mr. D’Amico estimated the costs at $8 million dollars and $2 million invested in solar panels.   Mr. D’Amico stated that currently the funds are not available from the Fairfield Hills Authority and there are two options; temporary parking plans to cost roughly $600,000 to $1 million, or Mr. D’Amico will finance the permanent plan with the Town to repay over time to cost


roughly $3.5 million.  Mr. D’Amico went on to say that if the town waits, the costs will definitely increase.   He presented to the Board an estimated cost chart over the next 5 years (ex. With the permanent plan currently estimated at $3.5 million in the next 5 years it is expected to cost $6 million.).  Mr. D’Amico stated that he is asking the Board to evaluate the best plan for the Town.

Selectman Rosenthal asked if the Fairfield Hills Authority has taken a position.  
Mr. Bob Geckle of 35 Queen Street Newtown and of the Fairfield Hills Authority stated that there is more information needed before a decision is made.  

Mr. Garen Khazadian of 14 Little Brook Lane Newtown stated that it seems as though there has been little progress made although He understands the complications working between Boards and Commissions.  Mr. Khazadian felt as though time is of the essence and with all the great expectations for Fairfield Hills too much time has past and it would be important to continue making strides forward with the project.  

Ms. Johnson added that she agrees on moving forward with the projects at Fairfield Hills and the people in charge need to step up to the plate and take responsibility for the prior commitments made to the town.

Mr. Geckle responded to Ms. Johnson’s comments in that nothing is different now in terms of the commitments made, the funds are available and the appropriate steps are being taken towards the permanent parking plans for the Newtown Youth Academy.  

Mr. Clark of  7 Currituck Road Newtown and Architect for the Newtown Youth Academy addressed the parking issue to the Board.  He states that if the temporary plans are set forth the lot will be process stone or dirt, not asphalt.  Mr. Clark stated that the temporary lot would be shame and a waste funds on not to mention Mr. D’Amico no doubt has better things to spend his money on than a parking lot.  

Selectman Mangiafico responded to Mr. D’Amico’s proposal in that he currently is not for or against the proposal.  Mr. Mangiafico stated that he would like a cost/benefit analysis in writing and that hopefully in the future Mr. D’Amico’s proposal will be an agenda item.

First Selectman Borst addressed that Board regarding several Communication items;  a letter written by a private citizen (identifying herself as a Legislative Council member) to a state official which may result in negative consequences for the Town, O&G requiring an approved Radon System, O&G handling the conceptual design phase of the Park & Recreation/ Senior Center, a letter from Public Works Director Mr. Fred Hurley addressing deadlines and the beginning of the site work, reports from Community Development Director Liz Stocker on the Tech Park, Nunnawauk Meadows and the

Batchelder property, Town Attorney David Grogins is looking into the Lake Zoar Authority/ Leap of Faith and Eminent Domain issues (to respond by June 21, 2008), a letter received from Jeff Cugno of O&G, the Connecticut Convention to be held October
22, 2008 and Charles Tilson’s open space request as the Conservation Commission had recommended against.
Selectman Rosenthal stated that it was indeed inappropriate for the Legislative Council member to have addressed herself as a Legislative Council member in the letter in which she was not reflecting the opinions of the Legislative Council as a whole.  Mr. Rosenthal asked First Selectman Borst to address the Legislative Council regarding this issue at the next meeting. All were in agreement that the actions were inappropriate.

The minutes if the regular meeting held Monday May 19, 2008 were accepted with a few changes.  Selectman Mangiafico stated that under section Unfinished Business on page two the second paragraph, first sentence should read as follows; Selectman Mangiafico addressed First Selectman Borst on an update regarding two issues, Nano Technology and the Economic Development Commission and Conservation Commission coming to a common ground regarding the Tech Park.
The second to last sentence in that paragraph should read as follows; Mr. Mangiafico went on to say that establishing Nano Technology in Newtown would benefit the Town.  Selectman Mangiafico moved to accept the minutes as amended.  Selectman Rosenthal seconded.  All were in favor.

1. Clerk of the Works
Selectman Rosenthal stated that the wording in the job description for the Clerk of the Works has still not changed; additional changes are still recommended (See Attachment A).  Mr. Rosenthal stated that the wording still suggests that the position is permanent.  
Selectman Mangiafico questioned if the draft had been reviewed and approved.
First Selectman Borst stated that he does in fact have a letter from the Public Building and Site Commission confirming that they have in fact reviewed the draft and its suggested changes.
Selectman Rosenthal asked where the funds for the position are going to come from.
First Selectman Borst stated that the funds will have to be budgeted for.

2. Iroquois
First Selectman Borst addressed the Board regarding the Iroquois Gas Transmission Systems proposal at the regular meeting on May 19, 2008 stating that the Board was unable at that time to give a final approval because of the changes to the Town Charter, changes effective thirty days from the referendum.
Selectman Rosenthal moved to approve the easements as proposed by Iroquois Gas Transmission Systems.  Selectman Mangiafico seconded.  All were in favor.  

Selectman Mangiafico asked where the Board stands in regards to the questions posed by Mr. Brennan, if they had ever been received in writing.   Mr. Mangiafico additionally addressed the issue of an email he had sent to First Selectman Borst on May 22, 2008 requesting additional items be added to the agenda, thus the items were not added.  Mr. Mangiafico said that he was in fact pleased to hear that the Town would be receiving $63,000 from CL&P however was a bit concerned to hear that Mr. Borst had signed an agreement and unsure of what that had obliged the Town to if anything.
First Selectman Borst responded that when he receives anything from Mr. Brennan the Board will be notified accordingly and regarding the agreement signed is that CL&P offers a service to analyze electric needs; there are no liabilities or obligations to the Town.  If the town incorporates the suggested energy efficient items CL&P will give the Town $63,000. If not, then no funds will be given.
Selectman Rosenthal stated that items requested to be added to the agenda are consistently overlooked.  
Selectman Mangiafico added that it is not his intention to frustrate Mr. Borst, however the Board has concerns and is apprehensive that an agreement has been signed with out consulting with Board before hand.  

3. Transfers
First Selectman Borst addressed the Board regarding the Registrar of Voters request to transfer funds from account #01570-2000 Contingency $10,000 to account #01180-1005 Referenda $10,000 to cover the cost of a possible referenda in June. The special appropriation is on the Legislative Council calendar for June 5, 2008. The funds are being requested early due to the end of the (fiscal) year.  
Selectman Rosenthal questioned the appropriateness of the request at this time.  
Finance Director Mr. Bob Tait stated that if the funds turn out to be unnecessary, they’ll be returned to the general fund.  Mr. Tait confirmed that there is currently $100,000 in the Contingency fund.  
Selectman Rosenthal stated that there are ways to handle emergency type situations and currently is not in favor of approving this transfer of funds at this time.
First Selectman Borst is in favor of transferring funds, Selectman Rosenthal and Selectman Mangiafico are not in favor (1 yes, 2 no) request for Transfer from Registrar of Voters does not pass.

4. Driveway Bonds and Releases
First Selectman Borst addressed the Board regarding 6 Driveway Bond Releases as follows;
1.      21st Century Builders, LLC. on Huntingtown Road Newtown, identified by Map 35, Block 7, Lot 25.06 for $1000.00 originally posted 8/12/04.
2.      Antonina Morrisson of Hi Barlow Road Newtown, identified by Map 12,Block 5, Lot 5 for $1000.00 originally posted on 6/13/06.


3.      Alan Dean of Lands End Road, identified by Map 5, Block 4, Lot 5 for $1000.00 originally posted on 7/21/05 and $1000.00 originally posted on 4/27/07 (the second bond posted was for the first one expiring.)
4.      S & A Development for Prospect Drive Newtown, identified by Map 37, Block 2, Lot 44 for $1000.00 originally posted 3/7/06.  
5.      R. Mathison Construction, LLC. for Jo Mar Drive Newtown, identified by Map 44, Block 1, Lot 10 for $1000.00 originally posted 11/28/06.
6.      Prestigious Homes, LLC. for Serene Way Newtown, identified by Map 12, Block 5, Lot 14.07 for $1000.00 originally posted on 1/19/07.
Selectman Rosenthal moved to approve all Driveway Bond Releases.  Selectman Mangiafico seconded.  All were in favor.

5.  Tax Abatements
Selectman Rosenthal moved to approve Tax Abatements in the amount of $17,981.97.  Selectman Mangiafico seconded.  All were in favor.

6.  Appointments/ Reappointments
First Selectman Borst addressed the Board regarding the Reappointments of the following members;
        Appointments:  Mr.Thomas Catalina of 59 Butterfield Road, Newtown as a Constable, term to expire January 6, 2010
        Reappointments:  Ms. Audrey Grasso of 88 Huntingtown Road, Newtown for the Health District Board, term to expire June 30, 2011 and Mr. Peter Marshall of 6 Sturges Road, Newtown for the Library Board of Trustees, term to expire July 1, 2011.
Selectman Rosenthal moved to approve the Appointments and Reappointments of said members.    Selectman Mangiafico seconded motion. All were in favor.  

Having no further business, Selectman Mangiafico moved to adjourn the regular meeting of the Board of Selectman on Monday June 2, 2008 at 9:10p.m.   Selectman Rosenthal seconded motion.  All were in favor.   

Respectfully Submitted, Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk

Joseph Borst, First Selectman